Minimal SMART reference

I gathered these notes some times ago from a website I didn't have the wit to bookmark. Since from time to time I need these information, I decided to put them here.

Remeber that if a parameter gets lower than its threshold, it's time to take action.

Critical device status attributes

Reallocated sectors

Number of defective sectors remapped using a spare sectors pool.

Current pending sectors

Number of suspected defective sectors. These sectors will be tested again by device off-line scan.

Off-line uncorrectable sectors

Number of defective sectors found during the off-line scan.

Read error, Read error retry, Write error, Seek error rates

Rates at which specified errors occur.

Recalibration retries

How often the drive is unable to recalibrate at the first attempt.

Spin up time

The time the drive takes to spin up to its reated speed. Might indicate either a controller or a spindle bearing problem.

Spin retry

Count the times the drive was unable to spin its platters in due time. Might indicate severe controller or bearing problems or, sometimes, power supply problems.

Drive lifetime information

Drive start/stop, Power off/retract cycle counts

Provide the estimation of the drive wear (when compared to vendor estimated values).

Power on hours / Head flying hours counts

The time of hard disk activity.

Media Wearout Indicator / SSD Life Left

For SSD drives, reports the life left (in percentage). Vendor specific, may have different names.

Operating conditions information


The device temperature.

Ultra DMA CRC error rate

Typically indicates that something is wrong with the connectors and/or cables.

G-sense error rate

Indicates if the errors are occurring due to the drive shocking.

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